Archives par mot-clé : artiste géorgienne

INKTOBER 2019- Mariam Chagelishvili – მარიამ ჩაგელიშვილი

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.




ქართველი მხატვარი
[kartveli mkhat’vari]

მარიამ ჩაგელიშვილი





That is true !
It was so!
Wild birds have deserted forests and fields. How many mountains collapsed? How many misplaced questions?
A black fury. Little sacrifices.
Then, a frame.
Then, an ink running along the plains.
October was here.
Had everything changed so much?

Inktober 2019 – 1 – Ring

A sermont broke the ring of innocence, the last ring of worlds.
Followed the misfortunes we all know and we tell in the dark days.
The trade of life has become life.
Opening our eyes, we saw the shadows.
And in the shadows, what was left of life, crumbs of life, which were not for sale.


2- Mindless

And I lost the sense of the images and the current of the winds.
The first winds were only bad.
But the others?
From now on, they have become much worse.
These are new and balmy flowers.
In the letter I hide, I put my most beautiful secrets
And in the holes I’m wearing, you’ll see my light.
I close my arms as if I close my chest.
I’m only asking for one more day.


3- Bait

And I saw so many hands reaching out,
Hands under other hands, dirtier and more vile.
I listen without moving and I will never go out.
And I saw so many desires that I wanted to turn around to build a monastic city. A life full of nothing, lack and havoc.
Greedy hands, sad hooks and shining baits sang praises.
I do not see anymore ! I advance !


4- Freeze

My eyes opened on the biggest mistakes and some issues.
The eyes are turning today towards the last lunar valleys.
My eyes told me the truth was in space
That the space was in the absence
But that time had gone astray
Absence of an evening
Absence of the smallest tide
Absence of a single note lost over the ocean.


5- Built

Between sky and sky, the ditch has fallen.
Admit that it’s weird!
I retreated into the last impasse of emptiness
And she arrived, a board under her arm
I pulled back and I’m still back and I entered his garden.
It was only the last garden in the world. A garden composed of the remains of the last day.


6- Husky

The eyes of the waves stopped responding.
A voice on the air already filled the hearts.
The voice took what was left of the night.
Deep caves have opened.
And the voice has become strong as if to ward off silences and shadows.
Just for a new harmony of a possible dawn.
I saw so many weird ideas flooding the bar and so many frightened complicit accomplices believing they were holding the stars.


7- Enchanted

To kill every day full of calm and noise, it made the prince come out of the invisible worlds.
The unknown, bloodthirsty flames of an obscure meeting illuminated his eyes.
We wanted an enchanted world.
We had the color of a new death that we did not know.
I am here, said the wise devil in his divine smile.



And the prince did not show his strength.
But a mirror of meaning where the lights panic.
The reason is dead.
And in the frame moves a passion.
A passion that is adorned with purple and dew.
But frail that everything can break instantly.
 The sighs are fragile. And the size so frail.
But a single blow of wing can decapitate in you all your desires wild and buried.
His wings have opened, still wet.
And she left but remains above our heads.


9- Swing

Along the swaying stream that flows through the night of the world, a seated crowd stared at the frame.
The eyes swayed and the shoulders too. To follow this line of the only flow that could be seen.
From the frame came a little hope of seeing the only glimmer of a blue umbrella lined with silk.
A voice says: « Always the same rank! We are tired of not seeing anything!« 
Another voice said: « the night! Always the night! We did not deserve that!« 
And the blue glow that appeared, dazzled all eyes!
Lascivious and unspeakable, she opened the door of desires again.


10 – Pattern

And the voices were silent.
Suddenly, in the drowsiness, the door opened on a tired body, which pronounced these words:
– Here I am, I am the pattern! because you need a model.
I do not promise to pick flowers with golden light, but to relieve you of the pain of the night and the fear of your shadows.
With my fingers, I will carry the frail boat of your dreams.
Until touching the first banks and I will abandon you.
I’m here ! Follow me !



The sharp pain of the rigid bodies followed the moments and the hours of the wings of our desires.
Beyond the rains, the first snows almost friendly. We forgot the thorns and whips of the terrifying frost.
Our lungs were filling with these cold passages like a spring dawn of its first dews.
Our souls had become uncertain and wandering, distant and alien.
Over time, we were only a miserable escort.
The cold seemed so sweet to our lost minds and we were suffocating, but we were hoping so much.


12- Dragon

On the other side of the air, a yellow eye descended towards us, or rather what was left of us.
We were ready now to accept torture and death. At first we sniffed the smell of sulfur and fire.
We saw a strange light and that big gray body with a strong, satisfied jaw.
Claws of a mighty dragon landed on our shoulders and let us slide on top of the bluish mountains.
Have such moments already existed?
Have wars caused such terrible terror?
But the snow has dissipated and the look has seemed friendly, with something divine.
Just a sign, but would that sign suffice?
He seemed to look at us from the top of these clouds and seemed to feel more sorry for us.


13- Ash

We reach quickly the end of a corridor without vault, without exit.
The door of a walled prison where our bodies were decomposing.
The dark contours of our bones were becoming uncertain, and we imagined those healthy, healthy bodies that once roamed our cities in quaint shops. Had our reign come to an end?
We were entering a world of ashes and grays.
Where everything was decomposing.
The disorder of our bodies blinded our last reflections. We were a criminal crowd, an idle hand, putrefied trees.
I can not hear anything anymore! cried a voice that no longer resembled a voice.
I was jostled and dried up so many times by remains of bodies that no longer looked like bodies.


14- Overgrown

But the shadows were now seen to infinity.
Several shadows with huge arms. Inordinate thoughts.
Shadows to shadows responded.
I saw eyes so deep that I lost track.
I saw shoulders so round that my thoughts were lost.
A single drop of blood has scratched the horizon.
And I saw so many drops!
New beings so extended that the sky seemed scratched by a continuous rain.
Cities are now opening up to tragic parts of exaggerated anatomy.
But we saw the first beings in the moonlight.


15- Legend

We penetrated by high and terrible doors in the returned city.
Tragic monologues were posted at uncertain skylights on that deep night.
Wild glances covered the scorned alleys.
In the middle, the place sat like a tear on the cheek of misfortunes.
Night came.
Then, after waves of complaints, a light came forward carried by a young ephebe.
We heard again the voice of our mothers, the voice of our childhood and our first memories.
We cried for a long time, grouped around the unique flame of the existing worlds.
We cried and dreamed for a long time.


16 – Wild

The forgotten peoples came out of the streets all around. And went off in wild flights. People, once taciturn, lost in lost realms, in a lost nature, threw themselves above our heads in the air.
Above the flame.
Their feet caressed the air and the end of the blue flame.
We looked dumbfounded and frightened what we thought we had lost forever.
Painted painted this sky and we discovered a universe that had never existed, or had never ceased to exist but was buried so deep in the earth, that it was the same thing.


17- Ornament

Our hands caressed the pale adventurers, with the bride and groom’s necklaces.
The walls were like faces and hands, as if ignorance and stupidity had disappeared.
We looked at each other, but we did not recognize each other.
The first colors danced on the painted and moving ornaments.
Sassanid capitals in the curvature of the high cornices with tangent curves wrote this new story before our eyes.
Nothing was really written.
Everything was dancing and everything was guessing.


18- Misfit

We were misfits !
Grouped and incredulous.
What was the secret of the city?
We were stiff in this fairy world. Misfit.
Dramatic poets composed a book to celebrate our arrival.
We were so tired that our footsteps had no more words.
We kept our masks from our past butcheries and our criminal acts.
Our nature was visible but our guests never seemed to see it!


19- Sling

To our astonishment, we watched long, gentle and sweet movements. An animal hummed without cruelty or aggression.
Movements so sweet able to stop the smallest movements of a disassembled sea.
Time seemed suspended around the elements.
Our heads bent over and our eyes closed.
We were cradled in a multitude of sweet and tender harmonies.
We went away and, from time to time, as if to catch our breath, we opened our eyes.


20- Tread

What truth did we discover?
Gray, pale, cold around us, it seemed unreal.
The wind returned to our torn and worn clothes.
Had we moved away from chaos and unrest?
Had we found a peaceful shore?
The waters of the voices rocked us and we did not want to ask any more questions.
We enjoyed this magic moment as if we were stretched, for the very first time, on a sumptuous shoreline with bewitching curves!


21 – Treasure

We belonged to a period of decadence before these real treasures.
We looked but we did not see anything; we could not see as if we wanted to seize these treasures!
Our demons were still in the back of our heads, and we were unintentionally looking at this with sad greed.
We were afraid and our fears cast gloomy omens on us.
But these treasures were only real treasures.
The treasures that hide in the books, in the notes, in the foliage and moss of the undergrowth.


22 – Ghost

Our liaisons are determined by chance or necessity, but these belong neither to the first nor the second.
We did not come by chance.
We had only met the things closest to our heart.
Maybe all day we did not listen to one word of everything this city had to say!
A last infirmity of our traumatized and tired minds enveloped us durably.
So much elegance, purity and delicacy penetrated us gently.
Were we ready to receive this gift?


23 – Ancient

The village sages went out in their turn.
They evoked the stars and the first sun.
The first rain and the first flower that opened a small morning in October. Green and yellow. A little flower to watch the world.
How the souls of each villager had connected to this flower beyond the heavy dead mountains and heavens then devastated.
They opened up to the frail flower and they closed their eyes while taking their hands.
Until the first tears of joy flow from their eyes.
And they looked at each other as they had never looked at each other.


24 – Dizzy

The hands and the eyes knew the unfathomable and indescribable vertigo.
A sage stood up and told the first birth of the first being connected to the first flower.
To see him, to hear him, one had to know the vertigo and forget the senses.
To be flower!
To be the wind!
To be in the mountains and make it explode into billions of grains of sand and love.
To be world and to be nothing!
To be in the all and in the stem and in the last drop that hides in the deepest of the largest oceans.


25- Tasty

And we ate the fruits of the October dew.
We grabbed the bunches of grapes hanging from the balconies of the main square.
We received the transcendence and the truth of the worlds. We discovered the origin of worlds, the origin of evils and the origin of man.
The man came towards us, opened a long, fluffy cape. He showed us the origin of the origin!


26 – Dark

While we feasted, a loner had passed in the pen of the place.
Surrounded by young black ladies. He sat in front of us, waiting for the sun to set.
Streams of chaotic clouds banded together, rolling over each other, taking on red hues, then casting dark splinters on the domes and columns of the scene where our belching punctuated our nocturnal digestion.


27 – Coat

The heavens did not worry us! we did not feel the cold invading us at the exact moment when the last rooster fell asleep.
The place shrunk and we wrapped around us like a comforter or a warm blanket.
Frost was shining! or was it our eyes!
Our eyes rose above the stars.


28 – Ride

We rode mountains of thoughts and torrents of fright.
Without fear; laughing at deployed throats …
Our souls were no longer stumbling, and we were singing loudly.
We resumed in heart a song of Beranger who had rocked our childhood:
My delirium was extreme:
But also that it lasted little!
It’s no longer Nœris that I love,
And Nœris makes it a game.
From these unfaithful ardors
What’s left is that finally,
Since then, to the love of beautiful ladies
I mixed the taste of wine.


29 – Injured

Wounded by life, we were.
Altered, having lost the primitive energy and the taste of life, finally we relive.
Finally !


30- Catch

We took in the extra-natural traps, we set traps insane rhythmic compositions, we caught the colors that were missing from our words.
Our eyes are used to reading the beautiful, the true and the tender.
The line of ridges of the great massif left place to this open and wide horizon.
Landscapes and shapes danced in our hearts.


31- Ripe

Pleasures of the world, we rediscovered.
Beyond our place, beyond our mountain, we were ripe to evoke it and to speak.
Our reason was ripe like the grape that sat on the banquet and our desire was ripe like our sensibe universe that surrounded us.
October was ending this day.
Our soul could now contemplate this perfection.
Our hands squeezed together to form a huge circle and we closed our eyes.
In front of the parade of the intelligible and sensible universe, an intense wave of heat enveloped us.
The rooster crowed.
Midnight rang.


L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.





ქართველი მხატვარი
[kartveli mkhat’vari]

მარიამ ყანდიაშვილი


მსოფლიოს დიდი შავი კარები


Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier Mariam pour sa gentillesse et le temps apporté pour la réalisation de cet interview sur de nombreux aspects de son art qui fait d’elle une des artistes majeures de notre époque.
First of all, I would like to thank Mariam for her kindness and the time given for the realization of this interview on many aspects of her art which makes her one of the major artists of our time.

Jacky Lavauzelle


მხატვრული სწავლება
Artistic training

Question JL
როგრია თქვენი მხატვრული სწავლება?
Marina, quel est ton parcours artistique ?
Marina, what is your artistic background?

ჩემი მხატვრული სწავლება შედგება სამი კომპონენტისგან.
1. ყოველდღიური მუშაობა
2. მუდმივი ექსპერიმენტები თემებთან, მასალასთან ხელოვნების სხვადასხვა მედიუმებთან.
3. ახალი შთაგონების ძიება ყველგან და ყოველთის რაც შეიძლება მეტი ინფორმაციის მიღება და შემდეგ მისი რეკერეაცია სხვადასხვა ფორმაში
Ma formation artistique comprend trois composantes.
1. Travail quotidien
2. Expérimentation constante avec des sujets, des matériaux et divers supports.
3. Chercher partout de nouvelles sources d’inspiration et obtenir le plus d’informations possible, puis recréez-les sous diverses formes.

My artistic training consists of three components.
1. Everyday work
2. Constant experimentation with topics, materials, and various media.
3. Search for new inspiration everywhere and get as much information as possible and then recreate it in a variety of forms

შთაგონების წყაროები
Sources of inspiration

რა არის თქვენი შთაგონების წყარო?
Quelles sont tes sources d’inspiration ?
What is your source of inspiration?

შთაგონება არის ხშირად არაკონტროლირებადი, საჩუქარი მატერიალური ან ფიზიკური სამყაროდან რომელიც უეცრად მოდის. მაგრამ გამოცდილებასთან ერთად ხელოვანი სწავლობს თუ როგორ გამოიწვიოს ან სად მოძებნოს შთაგონება ჩემთვის ეს არის პირველ რიგში პოეზია და მითოლოგია ასევე სიზმრები და მედიტაციის დროს დანახული ხილვები.
L’inspiration est un cadeau souvent incontrôlable du monde matériel ou physique. Mais avec l’expérience, l’artiste apprend à la diriger ou à trouver l’inspiration ; pour moi, il s’agit principalement de poésie et de mythologie, ainsi que de rêves et de visions de mes méditations.

Inspiration is an often uncontrollable gift from the sudden material or physical world. But with experience, the artist learns to lead or find inspiration ; for me: it is mainly poetry and mythology, as well as dreams and visions of meditation.

ადამიანის ადგილი
The place oh the human

როგორ ხედავთ ადამიანის ადგილს ამ სამყაროში?
Comment voyez-vous la place et le rôle de l’homme dans le monde ?
How do you see the place and role of man in the world?

მე მგონია რომ ყველაფერი ერთია და ერთი ყველაფერი აქედან გამომდინარე ადამიანი არის ერთი და ყველაფერიც. მე მჯერა განსხივოსნების და მჯერა ძახილის რომელსაც ქმედებით ანუ შრომით ვპასუხობთ – ადამიანი არის მუშა. ყველა მოვდივართ რაღაცის გასაკეთებლად ვინ აკეთებს კარგს და ვინ ცუდს ეს სხვა საკითხია.
Je pense que tout est une seule et même chose, donc l’homme est un et tout. Je crois en l’excitation et en l’exclamation avec laquelle nous répondons par l’action ou le travail – l’homme est un travailleur.
I think that everything is one and all one thing, so man is one and all. I believe in excitement and I believe in the exclamation we respond to by action or labor – man is a worker.

მოქმედების აუცილებლობა
The urgency


d’où vient cette urgence perceptible dans chacune de tes toiles ? Comment vois-tu l’évolution de ce monde ?
where does this perceptible urgency come from in each of your canvases? How do you see the evolution of this world?

Je crois en deux lignées- une génétique et une spirituelle.
I believe in two bloodlines – one genetic and one spiritual.
Tous les êtres humains sont le produit de la lignée génétique, de la représentation de leurs ancêtres et de l’histoire de la famille, de la tribu, du pays, du continent et du monde. La lignée spirituelle est autre chose car elle n’a ni frontières ni limites ; elle unit les gens à travers le temps et l’espace en utilisant des œuvres d’art, des idées, des vues philosophiques, un artiste donne la vie à un autre à travers son art et c’est ainsi que nous obtenons notre lignée spirituelle. Nous établissons des liens avec des personnes qui vivent il y a des siècles. Elles nous aident dans notre travail aujourd’hui et nous espérons aider les futurs artistes de demain.
All human beings are product of genetic bloodline, representation of their ancestors and history of family, tribe, country, continent, world.
spiritual bloodline is something else it has no borders or limits, it unites people through time and space with use of artworks, ideas, philosophical views one artist gives life to another through his art and that’s how we get our spiritual bloodline. We find connections with people who lives centuries ago and they help us in our work today and we will hopefully help future artists.

სუფთა გამოხატულება
Expression pure

Comment contrôles-tu ton pinceau qui semble parfois rentrer en dissidence ?
how do you manage to control your brush which sometimes seems to be in dissidence?

le pinceau n’est pas mon instrument principal, je travaille principalement avec un couteau à palette, mais je pense que le travail s’avère être meilleur lorsque nous perdons le contrôle, lorsque nous entrons dans l’espace au-delà de la conscience et que notre esprit ne dirige ni corps ni cerveau, nous mettons de l’âme et tout le reste obéit, c’est un état trans, dans lequel la propreté et la stratégie sont à la traîne et l’expression pure fait un pas en avant.
brush is not my main instrument, I mostly works with pallet knife, but I think that work turns out to be best when we lose control, when we enter the space beyond consciousness and let our spirit lead not body or brain, we put soul in charge and everything else obeys it, it’s a trans like state in which cleanness and strategy falls behind and pure expression steps forward.

დომინანტური ფერები
The dominant colors

ბევრ ფერწერაში ჩანს, რომ ლურჯი და შავი დომინირებს?
Le bleu et le noir semblent dominer dans de nombreuses toiles ?
Blue and black seem to dominate in many paintings?

ეს ფერები ნამდვილად დომინირებენ ამ ეტაპზე, ჩემი ფერი არ მაქვს ფერმწერი ვარ და ყვეა ფერი ჩემია გააჩნია პერიოდს და თემას.
Ces couleurs sont vraiment dominantes à ce stade, mais je n’utilise pas que ces couleurs. Chaque période et chaque thème a une couleur particulière.
These colors are really dominant at this point, but I do not just use these colors. Each period and each theme has a particular color.

კაცი ჩაძირული ჩანს კოშმარულ სამყაროში?
L’homme a-t-il sombré dans un monde cauchemardesque ?
Has the human sunk into a nightmarish world?


შეურაცხყოფილი მხატვრები

The accursed artists

Les Oiseaux d’Aristophane
« J’entrevois un grand dessein pour la race des oiseaux : elle deviendrait puissante, si vous m’obéissiez…. « Quel est cet oiseau ? » Et Téléas répond : « C’est un homme sans équilibre, un oiseau qui vole, un être inconsidéré, qui ne saurait jamais rester en place. »
Les Oiseaux – Aristophane
Traduction française par Eugène Talbot.
Théâtre complet d’Aristophane, Alphonse Lemerre, 1897

The Birds of Aristophanes
« I see a great design for the race of birds: it would become powerful, if you obey me …. » What is this bird? « And Téléas answers: « He is a man without equilibrium, a bird that flies, an inconsiderate being, who can never remain in place. »

Je voulais aborder avec toi cette large part de ton œuvre sur les oiseaux. Représentent-ils tes aspirations les plus élevées, ton désir de liberté, ta part spirituelle ? Tes oiseaux ressemblent plus à des corbeaux, non ? Il représente je pense plus votre personnalité profonde. Es-tu d’accord avec ça ? Les oiseaux noirs sont souvent liés à l’obscurité et font souvent référence à des crises internes. Cette période correspond-elle à une crise interne chez toi ?
I wanted to come on Birds. Do they represent your highest aspirations, your desire for freedom, your spiritual part? But your birds are more like crows, right? He represents I think more your personality deep. Do you agree with that? But black birds are linked to darkness and often refer to internal crises. Does this period correspond to an internal crisis?
Pour la série Birds, as-tu lu Les oiseaux d’Aristophane : « Je vois un grand dessin pour la race des oiseaux: il deviendrait puissant si vous m’obéissez … » Qu’est-ce que cet oiseau? « Et Téléas répond: » C’est un homme sans équilibre, un oiseau qui vole, un être inconsidéré, qui ne peut jamais rester en place. « For the series of Birds, have you read The Birds of Aristophanes: « I see a great design for the race of birds: it would become powerful, if you obey me …. » What is this bird? « And Téléas answers: « He is a man without equilibrium, a bird that flies, an inconsiderate being, who can never remain in place. »

Birds – une série d’oiseaux appelés Birdland.
Birdland est le projet le plus important sur lequel j’ai travaillé jusqu’à présent. Birdland est une métaphore des artistes de la planète. ARTISTE MAUDIT, artiste maudit, outsider mi-oiseau mi-homme. oiseaux qui symbolisent la divinité. Birdland est le type d’humanoïdes à la moitié de l’oiseau qui sont prêts à voler mais ne peuvent le faire.
Birds – series depicting birds is called Birdland. Birdland is the most important project I have worked on so far. Birdland is a metaphor of artists life on earth, ARTIST MAUDIT a damned artist, outsider half-bird half-man this figure represents artist as half divine creatures that can’t be with humans which in birdland symbolize carnal nature and can’t be with birds which symbolize divinity. Birdland is the lad of half bird humanoids who are desperate to fly but can’t do it.

Dans « Le Nid » tu sembles trouver la paix et la sérénité. Tu te positionnes au centre du nid. quel est le protecteur qui te couvre de son aile noire ?
In « nest » you seem to find peace and serenity. you put yourseld in the center of the nest. what is the protector that covers you with his black wing?

Le nid symbolise un abri dans le monde maudit, le seul endroit où les oiseaux peuvent se reposer des terreurs du monde dans lequel ils vivent. C’est un autoportrait avec ma partenaire actuelle, Iva Martashvili, qui est aussi une artiste. Ce tableau est un hymne à l’amour et à la confiance artistique, deux artistes s’entraidant pour grandir et vivre pleinement.
Nest symbolizes a shelter in the damned world, the only place where birdmen can rest from the terrors of the world they live in. It’s a self portrait with my current partner Iva Martashvili who is also an artist, this painting is an ode to love and artistic trust, two artists who help one another to grow and get through life.

L’arbre aux oiseaux – Bird Tree
Huile sur toile – oil on canvas
Dans les rues du Pays des Oiseaux – Huile sur toile
“In the streets of Birdland” – oil on canvas
40×50, 2018
Naissance – Birth
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas
Signe de l’oiseau – Sign of the bird
Huile sur toile – oil on canvas
Le Catcheur d’œuf – The Egg Catcher
Technique mixte sur papier – Mixed media on paper
50×52 – 2018
Danse des oiseaux- ჩიტების ცეკვა Bird Dance
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი Oil on canvas
Mère Oiseau – ჩიტი დედები – Bird mothers
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas
Mères Oiseau – ჩიტი დედები – Bird mothers
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas
Le Nid – ბუდე – Nest
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas
Vue du rivage – ხილვა ნაპირზე – Vision on the shore
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas
Oiseau fou du pays des oiseaux – Mad King of Birdland
Technique mixte sur papier – mixed media on paper
Oiseau Générateur – Generator Bird
Technique mixte sur papier – Mixed media on paper
65×57 – 2018
Ciel Ouvert – Open sky
oil on canvas 80×60, 2018
La maison en feu – სახლის დაწვა – Burning down the house
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas
L’Appel – პასუხი ძახილზე – They answered the call
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas


Les Esprits de la Terre – Inspiré de l’esprit des Eléments » de Heinrich Heine
Spirits of the earth – inspired by « Elemental spirits » Henrich Heine
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Dans la forêt – ტყეში – In the forest
Huile sur toile – ტილო ზეთი – Oil on canvas


Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Rue – Street
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
La neige – Snow
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Blues de 2001 – Blues of 2001
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Le feu et son ombre – Fire and it’s shadow
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი

ლექსები – რომანები – ფილმები
Poems – Novels – Movies

Yukio Mishima

Question JL
Tu fais référence dans plusieurs tableaux à Yukio Mishima. Qu’est-ce qui t’intéresse dans cet auteur ?
You refer to Mishima in several paintings what attracts you first in this author?
Yukio Mishima est un écrivain très important pour moi. On m’a présenté son travail à 15 ans et ma première peinture à grande échelle a été inspirée par son roman « Patriotisme« . Ce qui me fascine chez cet auteur, c’est sa foi. Je l’admire pour devenir ce qu’il est. Il a vécu la vie artistique absolue d’être un artiste dans tout ce qu’il a fait même quand sa mort a été une œuvre d’art. Cette dévotion, ce pouvoir et cette foi me fascinent.
Yukio Mishima is a very important writer to me, I was introduced to his works at the age 15 and my first big scale painting was inspired by his novel « Patriotism » what fascinates me about this author is his faith. I admire him for becoming what he is. He lived the life artistic absolute being artist in everything he did even his death was an artwork, This devotion, power and faith fascinates me.

Le prêtre du temple de Shiga et son amante – Histoire de Yukio Mishima
The Priest of Shiga Temple and his love – story by Yukio Mishima
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Le Buffet – Inspiré du poème d’Arthur Rimbaud
Cupboard – inspired by a poem « The Cupboard » by Arthur Rimbaud
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი

Arthur Rimbaud

C’est un large buffet sculpté ; le chêne sombre,
Très vieux, a pris cet air si bon des vieilles gens ;
Le buffet est ouvert, et verse dans son ombre
Comme un flot de vin vieux, des parfums engageants ;

Tout plein, c’est un fouillis de vieilles vieilleries,
De linges odorants et jaunes, de chiffons
De femmes ou d’enfants, de dentelles flétries,
De fichus de grand’mère où sont peints des griffons ;

– C’est là qu’on trouverait les médaillons, les mèches
De cheveux blancs ou blonds, les portraits, les fleurs sèches
Dont le parfum se mêle à des parfums de fruits.

– buffet du vieux temps, tu sais bien des histoires,
Et tu voudrais conter tes contes, et tu bruis
Quand s’ouvrent lentement tes grandes portes noires.




Question JL
Dans Ghost Dog ou dans Mishima, il y a cette recherche de perfection et d’engagement. La plupart des samouraïs ont consacré leur vie au bushido, un code strict qui exigeait loyauté et honneur jusqu’à la mort. Est-ce que c’est cet engagement qui t’attire? Est-ce le besoin de contrôler le corps ?
In Ghost Dog or in Mishima, there is this search for perfection and commitment. Most samurai devoted their lives to bushido, a strict code that required loyalty and honor until death. Is this commitment that attracts you? Is this body control?

En ce qui concerne la philosophie du chien fantôme et des samouraïs en général, j’ai une profonde admiration pour cette philosophie et ce style de vie et c’est mon meilleur ami, le réalisateur David Gurgulia, qui m’y a présenté. Je ne pourrais jamais m’identifier ni mon mode de vie à cette « manière de samouraï » parce que je pense qu’il faut être extrêmement fort pour suivre cette voie et aussi pour être une personne très consciente et rationnelle que je ne suis pas. Mais comme ils disent, nous sommes attirés par des choses qui nous ressemblent beaucoup ou qui sont complètement différentes de nous. Dans ce cas, je suis intéressé par la philosophie des samouraïs et par l’idée même de la façon dont on vit par soi-même parce que c’est tellement différent de ce que je suis ou de ce que je fais.
What concerns Ghost dog and samurai philosophy in general I have a pure admiration for this philosophy and lifestyle and my best friend film director David Gurgulia was one who introduced it to me to it. I could never identify myself or my lifestyle to this « way of samurai » because I think that one has to be extremely strong to follow this way and one also has to be very conscious and rational person which i’m not. But as they say we are attracted to stuff that is very much alike us or something that is completely different from us. In this case I am interested in samurai philosophy and the whole idea of self controlled way of living because if it so different from who I am or what I do

Ghost Dog – Inspiré par le film de Jim Jarmusch
Ghost Dog – inspired by Jim Jarmusch
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Après-midi de Mishima – Inspiré de la nouvelle de Yukio Mishima « Patriotisme »
Mishima’s afternoon – inspired by « Patriotism » – novel by Yukio Mishima
Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი



Question JL
სიკვდილი ყოვლისშემძლეა შენს საქმეში. რას ფიქრობ სიკვდილზე?
La mort est omnipotente dans ton travail. Que penses-tu de la mort ?
Death is omnipotent in your work. What do you think about death?

სიკვდილი ისეთივე ყოვლისშემძლეა როგორც სიცოცხლე, როცა ვიბადებით გვგონია რომ ვკდებით და ტერორში ვევლინებით ამ სამყაროს რომელშიც ვიცით რომ მოვკვდებით, სიკვდილი ჩვენი ნაწილია ჩვენ ის თან დაგვაქ ყველგან მაგრამ ეს მხოლოდ გარდაქმნის ნაწილია, ჩემი აზრით სიკვდილი არის მატერიალური სხეულისგან და მისი ლიმიტაციებისგან განთავისუფლება. მჯერა სულის და მისი მუდმივი ცვლილების უსასრულობაში.

La mort est aussi omnipotente que la vie, quand nous naissons pour penser que nous mourons et dans la terreur de ce monde dans lequel nous savons que nous mourons, la mort fait partie de nous, nous sommes partout, mais ce n’est qu’une partie de la transformation, à mon avis, la libération est la libération du corps matériel et de ses limites. Je crois en l’infini de l’âme et son changement constant.
Death is as omnipotent as life, when we are born to think that we are dying and in the terror of this world in which we know we are dying, death is a part of us, we are everywhere, but it is only part of the transformation, in my opinion, death is liberation from the material body and its limits. I believe in the infinity of the soul and its constant change

Prémonition de la guerre – Premonition of war
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი

Dans « Premonition of war », parles-tu de la guerre avec la Russie ou s’agit-il de l’état du monde en général ?
In « premonition of war » do you mention war with Russia or is it about world in general?

Cette peinture ne concerne pas vraiment la Russie.
Elle a été peinte accidentellement.
La peinture était donc la première et le nom est venu après. Je ne suis pas sûr de ce dont il s’agit, mais le monde a mal tourné depuis très longtemps et il y a toujours des guerres sous différentes formes.
This painting is not about Russia for sure, It was painted accidentally so painting was first and name came afterwards so I am not sure what it is about but world has gone wrong for a very long time and there is always war around just in different forms

Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Homme émeraude – Emerald man
Technique mixte sur du bois – Mixed media on Wood – შერეული მასალა ხეზე ტილო ზეთი

სხვა თემები
other themes

Etrangers – Strangers
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი


le « Hussard » semble différent des autres peintures. Comment as-tu eu l’idée de peindre ce tableau ?
The « Hussard »seems different from other paintings. where did you get the idea of painting this painting?

En fait, il s’agit d’un très vieux tableau. J’avais environ 16 ans quand je l’ai peint. J’expérimentais différents concepts. J’ai donc eu cette idée de créer une série de portraits représentant chacun un jour de la semaine. Hussard représentait le lundi .
Je ne l’aime pas du tout. Toute cette idée me semble assez banale maintenant.
It is a very old painting, I was about 16 years old when I created it back then I was trying to experiment more with different concepts so I had this idea to create series of portraits each would represent a certain day of the week Hussard was monday.
I don’t like it at all. This whole idea seem pretty banal to me now

Hussard – Hussar
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Perdus en Asie – Lost in Asia
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
La diseuse de bonne aventure – Fortuneteller
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Dans le futur – In future
Huile sur toile – Oil on Canvas – ტილო ზეთი
Eve et le serpent – ევა და გველი – Eve and snake
Technique mixte sur toile – შერეული ტექნიკა ტილოზე – Mixed media on canvas


რა არის თქვენი მხატვრული პროექტები?
Quels sont tes projets artistiques ?
What are your artistic projects?

ამ ეტაპზე 3 პროექტი მაქვს განხორციელებული.
1. წიგნი a place for us
2, მულტიმედიური სერია ფლორიოგრაფია

და 3. Birdland ასევე მულტიმედიური პროექტი რომელიც ჯერ არ არის დასრულებული
4 წელია მასზე ვმუშაობ და იმედია მალე დავასრულებ
À l’heure actuelle, j’ai mis en œuvre 3 projets.
1. réserver une place pour les USA
2, série multimédia floriographie
et 3. Birdland est également un projet multimédia qui n’est pas terminé depuis 4 ans et, qui, je l’espère, sera terminé bientôt.
At the moment I have implemented 3 projects.
1. book a place for us
2, multimedia series floriography
and 3. Birdland is also a multimedia project that has not been completed for 4 years and which, I hope, will be finished soon.

Mariam KANDIASHVILI – მარიამ ყანდიაშვილი

Rencontre avec la jeune artiste Mariam Kandiashvili
გაიცანით ახალგაზრდა მხატვარი მარიამ ყანდიაშვილი
Matin GDS – Portrait de Mariam Kandiashvili
GDS დილა – მარიამ ყანდიაშვილის პორტრეტი, თიკო ფრანგიშვილის სიუჟეტი
Mariam Kandiashvili expose à Art Palace
ხელოვნების სასახლე მარიამ ყანდიაშვილის გამოფენას მასპინძლობს
Interprétation du monde de Mariam Kandiashvili
სამყაროს ინტერპრეტაცია მარიამ ყანდიაშვილის ნამუშევრებში/“დილის სამინისტრო“/რადიო იმედი, Radio Imedi
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.

Mariam CHAGELISHVILI – UN NOUVEAU MONDE – A NEW WORLD – მარიამ ჩაგელიშვილი – ახალი სამყარო

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.

TBILISSI –  ნარიყალა





ქართველი მხატვარი
[kartveli mkhat’vari]

მარიამ ჩაგელიშვილი


ახალი სამყარო 



J’ai découvert le monde de Mariam Chagelishvili lors de l’exposition ARTTENT organisée sur la montagne Matstminda qui domine Tbilissi. La création artistique est par définition une transgression de la limite et le créateur se doit d’apporter quelque chose de nouveau, de différent. La féérie dans la peinture géorgienne n’est pas nouvelle, mais elle l’amène vers des contrées des désirs et des phantasmes et dans des mondes où se croisent, peuvent se croiser l’animation, la bande-dessinée.
Mariam, après cette composition si fine et si légère, trouve de la satisfaction, et cette satisfaction elle la transmet de suite au spectateur.
Il y a de l’évidence chez Mariam. Une évidence de talent et une évidence de vision. Nous voyons différemment. Et comme avec les grands auteurs, notre monde s’est enrichi de mondes et de créatures. A nous de les faire vivre ensemble.
I discovered the world of Mariam Chagelishvili during the ARTTENT exhibition organized on the Matstminda mountain that dominates Tbilisi. Artistic creation is by definition a transgression of the limit and the creator must bring something new, something different. The fairy-tale in Georgian painting is not new, but it brings it to countries of desires and fantasies and in worlds where cross, animation and comics can intersect.
Mariam, after this composition so fine and so light, finds satisfaction, and this satisfaction she immediately transmits to the viewer.
There is evidence in Mariam. Evidence of talent and evidence of vision. We see differently. And as with great authors, our world has been enriched by worlds and creatures. It’s up to us to make them live together.



Question Jacky Lavauzelle :
Mariam, what is your artistic relationship with the fairy paintings of Gayane Khachaturian and Rusudan Petviashvili?
Mariam, quel est ton rapport avec les peintures féériques de Gayane Khachaturian et de Rusudan Petviashvili ?

I’m not acquainted with Gayane Khachaturian’s works. I’ve seen Rusudan Petviashvili’s paintings, but I was not influenced as an artist by either of them.
Je ne connais pas les œuvres de Gayane Khachaturian. J’ai vu les peintures de Rusudan Petviashvili, mais l’artiste ne m’a pas influencé.

Question JL
Your fairy world could fit into comic strips or animated film. Do you agree with that?
Ton monde féérique pourrait s’adapter en bandes-dessinées ou en film d’animation. Es-tu d’accord avec ça ?

I believe my love for different kind of comics and animated movies might have influenced me. I’m even planning to learn animation in the future and also make a picture book or a graphic novel all by myself.
Je crois que mon amour pour différents types de bandes dessinées et de films d’animation pourrait m’avoir influencé. Je prévois même d’apprendre l’animation à l’avenir et de réaliser moi-même un livre d’images ou un roman graphique.

Question JL
What are your main sources of inspiration ?
Quelles sont tes principales sources d’inspiration ?

My main sources of inspiration are literature and mythology.
Mes principales sources d’inspiration sont la littérature et la mythologie.

Question JL
What is your relationship with nature, the plant world and wildlife?
Quelle est votre relation avec la nature, le monde végétal et la faune ?

I’ve always been fond of houseplants and animals, especially reptiles. I even have a pet turtle, that’s been with me for more than 10 years.
J’ai toujours aimé les plantes d’intérieur et les animaux, en particulier les reptiles. J’ai même une tortue de compagnie, qui est avec moi depuis plus de 10 ans.

Question JL
What are your artistic projects?
Quels sont tes projets artistiques ?

Art has always been mysterious for me, it’s possibilities of expression are limitless. I love the feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment when I look at my finished artwork. I have to admit, the process in soothing and exciting at the same time, but nothing compares to seeing that drawing finished.
L’art m’a toujours été mystérieux, ses possibilités d’expression sont illimitées. J’aime le sentiment de satisfaction et d’épanouissement lorsque je regarde mes œuvres finies. Je dois admettre que le processus est à la fois apaisant et excitant, mais rien ne se compare à ce que ce dessin soit terminé.

Question JL
The satisfaction you meet at the end of your artistic process, is it due to you to the satisfaction of the realization? To the success of a passing? As a result of a fusional union between your mind and your body?
La satisfaction que tu rencontres à la fin de ton processus artistique, est-elle due pour toi à la satisfaction de la réalisation ? A la réussite d’un dépassement ? Au résultat d’une union fusionnelle entre ton esprit et ton corps ?

« As a result of a fusional union between your mind and your body »
It’s exciting never knowing how the drawing in the end turns out.

« À la suite d’une union fusionnelle entre votre esprit et votre corps »
C’est excitant de ne jamais savoir comment se termine le dessin.

Question JL
The fact of doing another work, is it to find again the pleasure of this satisfaction?
Le fait de refaire une autre œuvre, est-ce pour retrouver à nouveau le plaisir de cette satisfaction ?

I agree to this too!
Oui, c’est tout à fait ça !

Question JL
Your painting is a painting of life, a living painting, we imagine new and exciting worlds, as with the symbol of the egg that encompasses the life to come. Its oval shape suggests the infinite, the rebirth and the regeneration of the cycle of life, like your work. What is your view of motherhood, femininity and the body in general?
Ta peinture est une peinture de vie, une peinture vivante, nous nous imaginons des mondes nouveaux et passionnants, comme avec le symbole de l’œuf qui englobe la vie à venir. Sa forme ovale suggère l’infini, la renaissance et la régénération du cycle de la vie, comme ton oeuvre. Quelle est ta vision de la maternité, de la féminité et du corps en général ?

I have never used theme of motherhood in my art. I guess I’m just not at that time of life yet to express it through art.
Je n’ai jamais utilisé le thème de la maternité dans mon art. Je suppose que je ne suis pas encore à cette époque de la vie pour l’exprimer à travers l’art.


Formation universitaire
Academic Background

Diplômé de l’Université technique géorgienne avec un baccalauréat en architecture.
Graduated from Georgian Technical University with Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture.

Étudie l’art pendant 6 mois dans un studio d’art privé.
Inscrit au programme de maîtrise de la Tbilisi State Academy of Art.
Studied art for 6 months in private art studio.
Enrolled in Tbilisi State Academy of Art’s Master’s Program.

Figure 1 ფიგურა 1 – 2019
Figure 2 – ფიგურა 2 – 2019
The Little Walrus
Sans titre – Untitled
Sans titre – Untitled
Sans titre – Untitled
Sans titre – Untitled
Sans titre – Untitled
წყვილების სერიიდან « ნიღბიანი წყვილი »
De la Série « Couples Masqués »
From Couple Series « Masked Couple »
2015 წ. – 2015
წყვილების სერიიდან « ბაყაყების წყვილი »
Couple Série « Couple de Grenouilles »
Couple Series ”Frog Couple”
2019 წ. – 2019
წყვილების სერიიდან « ფრთიანი წყვილი »
De la série les « Couples Ailés »
From Couple Series « Winged Couple »
2017 წ.
წყვილების სერიიდან « გრძელცხვირა წყვილი »
Couple de la Série « Couple aux longs nez »
Couple Series ”Long Nosed Couple”
2015 წ.
წყვილების სერიიდან « ნისკარტიანი წყვილი »
Couple Série « Couple à bec »
Couple Series ”Beaked Couple”
2016 წ.
Sans titre – Untitled
3 octobre 2019
L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.

SALOME DEVADZE – Dans les entrailles de l’Enfer – სალომე დევაძე – ჯოჯოხეთის ნაწლავებში

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est Symbole-Artgitato-2-10.gif.

TBILISSI –  ნარიყალა





ქართველი მხატვარი
[kartveli mkhat’vari]

სალომე დევაძე


ჯოჯოხეთის ნაწლავებში 

A étudié au PRATT Institute de New-York
Etude à la Guivy Zaldastanishvili American Academy in Tbilisi
European School, ევროპული სკოლა


Au milieu de la galerie, je me retrouvais devant les œuvres de Salome Devadze.
Je me retrouvais dans la forêt sombre et profonde du Mal.
Il me semblait voir un panneau indiquant « Bienvenue dans les entrailles des Enfers. »
Je me retrouvais dans un foisonnant et dynamique baroque moderne. Où l’effroi retrouve de la beauté. Comme le disait Delacroix dans son journal : « Le laid souverain, ce sont nos conventions et nos arrangements mesquins de la grande et sublime nature…« 
Ici, nul arrangement mesquin, nulle convention.
Avec Salome Devadze, nous descendons dans les strates les plus profondes, comme Dante ou comme Don Juan après avoir payé son obole à Charon (Les Fleurs du Mal, XV, Baudelaire)
Là, des corps. Là, des morts, Là, des ombres lugubres et terrifiantes.
« Tandis qu’une folie épouvantable, broie Et fait de cent milliers d’hommes un tas fumant ; — Pauvres morts ! dans l’été, dans l’herbe, dans ta joie,
Nature ! ô toi qui fis ces hommes saintement !
… » (Le Mal, Baudelaire)
Dans ce gris dominant, comme en bas d’une montagne entre deux sommets trop proches qui interdisent à toute lumière de pénétrer.
Les corps ne sont plus que des muscles sans la moindre âme au plus profond d’eux-mêmes. Ou se recherchent-ils une nouvelle âme ?

Il n’existe presque plus d’espoir. Mais il en reste. C’est pour cela que les hommes se débattent encore.
La croix qui se perd dans l’œuvre ne semble plus guider personne, tel un imposant et ancien vestige. Mais elle est là aussi et encore.
Noire mais brillante dans ce sombre marasme.
L’œuvre aussi a la forme d’une croix comme la volonté d’une ultime salvation.
Nous sommes dans un monde où les hommes fondent et glissent, dans une infernale et continue chute. Nous sommes dans un ventre. Nous sommes dans les entrailles, digérés, broyés. Mais dans cette décomposition, l’homme reste l’homme, s’accrochant à de si petites mesquineries qu’il emporte avec lui, dans sa chute.
Mais d’où vient tout ce mal qui assomme l’horizon et déploie ses ailes dans le moindre recoin de la toile ?
Le mieux est de reprendre la fable de l’ermite dans sa forêt entouré d’animaux sauvages de Léon Tolstoï. Le corbeau dit que le mal vient de la faim, le pigeon dit qu’il vient de l’amour, le serpent de la méchanceté, le cerf de la peur…
L’ermite de conclure : « Ce n’est ni de la faim, ni de l’amour, ni de la méchanceté, ni de la peur que viennent tous nos malheurs : c’est de notre propre nature que vient le mal ; car c’est elle qui engendre et la faim, et l’amour, et la méchanceté, et la peur. « 
Salome Devadze ne fait rien d’autre que reproduire notre propre nature. Et c’est terrifiant !



Expo organisée par ARTTENT
27-28-29 septembre 2019
Parc de Mtatsminda – Tbilissi


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